Eli Lilly is a drug company with a weight loss pill that seems to be working. In a late-stage clinical trial, patients that took the highest dose of their experimental drug tirzepatide reportedly lost roughly 50 pounds. Or 21% of their body weight. Those patients that took a lower dose of the drug lost approximately 35 pounds or 15% of their body weight. 

The trial lasted 72 weeks and had over 2,500 people involved by taking a once-a-week injection of the drug. 

Here’s a quote from Dr. Louis Aronne, the Weight Control Center director. 

“Obesity is a chronic disease that often does not receive the same standard of care as other conditions, despite its impact on physical, psychological and metabolic health, which can include increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, cancer and decreased survival.” 

Shares of Eli Lilly stock went up 2.6% on the news. 

Here’s the skinny on the drug. It’s something experts feel might actually work after gimmicks have bombarded consumers for decades. 

David Ricks, the CEO of Lilly’s, told CNBC this. 

“In the U.S. we spend, the estimate is, a trillion dollars a year treating conditions that manifest from obesity.” 

Here’s how the drug works; it imitates gut hormones and curbs hunger. Simple as that. 

There is an incredible market for Lilly – considering there are about 110 million obese Americans. 

The post Worth The Weight? Eli Lilly Has New Obesity Drug That Appears To Be Working. appeared first on VTPost.com.

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