There is a Miami Beach spot for donuts called Happy Place Donuts.

But nobody was in a happy place over the donuts that took over Miami Beach on Friday night. Even police said no to these donuts.

Drivers, believed to be part of a car club, blocked the intersection of South Pointe and Washington for several minutes as they took turns doing screeching, rubber-ripping drift donuts in the middle of the intersection. They have pulled off similar stunts in other parts of Miami, but dozens were arrested this time for the organized event that took place at nearly midnight.

Miami Beach police officer Ernesto Rodriguez said police chased the cars as they fled and arrested many on narcotics felonies. What a shocker that they would make bad choices for driving and drugs.

“The MBPD is monitoring these groups and will proactively attempt to deter these events in the future,” Rodriguez tweeted. “It was a very busy night in Miami Beach. Over a dozen arrests were made in the late evening alone. Dozens of traffic citations issued throughout the city as well.”

The group, widely seen on video recorded and posted by Miami artist Havi Schanz, had been putting on similar displays in various areas of Miami before hitting Miami Beach late Friday. There had been a “flash mob” drag race on South Beach.

Schanz’s video shows how dangerously close people stood near the circling cars. NBC News found an Instagram account that was arranging the gatherings and sending new locations through private direct-message requests.

“I swear to God. It looked like a movie set,” area resident Francesca Porcelli posted on Facebook.

How about an empty parking lot, or a speedway if you must? You’re already investing in new sets of tires every month.

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