Facebook is making sure the Russian government is not going to monetize on their platform, as they officially have banned them run running ads.  Nathaniel Gleicher is the head of security policy at Facebook/Meta, and he sent this message on Twitter confirming the news.

“We are now prohibiting Russian state media from running ads or monetizing on our platform anywhere in the world. We also continue to apply labels to additional Russian state media. These changes have already begun rolling out and will continue into the weekend.”

Twitter got a head start on their social media cohort by doing the same thing a few hours earlier. 

“We’re temporarily pausing advertisements in Ukraine and Russia to ensure critical public safety information is elevated and ads don’t detract from it.”

Social media networks have turned into one of the fronts in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with real-time monitoring of events going on but Las misleading information. 

According to Gleicher, Facebook has set up a special operations center to monitor the events in Europe. 

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