The president of the European Commission said they would impose their “strongest and “harshest” economic sanctions against Russia, but what exactly does that mean?  

On the list include sanctions to block Russian access to technologies and markets and a way to prevent Russian banks from accessing the financial markets of Europe. 

Here’s what Josep Borrell, the foreign policy chief for the European Union, said at a press conference. 

”A major nuclear power has attacked a neighbor country and is threatening reprisals of any other states that may come to the rescue. This is not only the greatest violation of international law, it’s a violation of the basic principles of human co-existence. It’s costing many lives with unknown consequences ahead of us. The European Union will respond in the strongest possible terms.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron also had comments, with Macron adding, “France firmly condemns Russia’s decision to wage war. Russia must end its military operations immediately.”

All the moves made by the European Union would be in concert with the United States and fellow allies Britain, Japan, Australia, and Canada. 

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