There are two factors that make the dispersement of Prince’s vast fortune and valuable record catalog so complex. 

One, he did not have a will, and two: his siblings are far less talented than their genius brother, and because of that they are chasing the winning lottery ticket that came from his tragic death. 

A music firm based in New York gave three of his heirs the big payday they so desperately crave, and now that firm, called Primary Wave, controls half of Prince’s estate. 

Primary Wave bought 90% of Prince’s full sister Tyka Nelson’s stake, 100% of the late Alfred Jackson’s share, and 100% of Prince’s youngest half-sibling Omarr Baker. 

Every since Prince died in April 2016 of a fatal fentanyl OD, his family has been in a bitter fight trying to get their claws on his estate that is worth north of $100 million. 

The other 50% of Prince’s estate is currently owned by his half-sister Sharon Nelson, along with her siblings of Norrine and John.

Primary Wave tried to get their share too, but they refused, telling the Minneapolis Star Tribune, “we’ll never sell out. We know the prize.”

Nothing like monetizing your dead legendary brother.  

It’s a tragic reminder of what the world lost when Prince died at the age of 57.  The value of his unpublished music catalog would be impossible to put a figure on, but you can start with a number in the nine figures. 

If Prince had done a will, he could have avoided all of this mess, and the world could have been spared the spectacle of seeing his greedy and money-chasing siblings tarnish his great name and brand. 

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