Congratulations, Bob Salem.  You are the first person in the 21st century to push a peanut up to the summit of Pikes Peak using only your nose. 

Why would anyone want to give up six days of their life to lay claim to that accomplishment? That’s a question only Bob could answer, but the journey he started at 9 a.m. on July 9 and concluded in the early morning hours of July 15 was a success. 

He used a special contraption taped to his nose and pushed that peanut up 14,115 feet, 8,000 feet above Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

Believe it or not, he wasn’t the first person to accomplish this challenge. Ulysses Baxter did it in only eight days back in 1963.  Bill Williams did it in 20 days back in 1929, and he won $500 in a bet, so at least he had that for motivation. 

There was no cash prize waiting for Salem, but the city of Manitou Springs did have a little ceremony for him at the top of the mountain. 

Salem is a proud resident of Manitou Springs and said he undertook this challenge to celebrate Manitou Springs’ 150th Birthday. 

Fortunately for Salem, he isn’t a resident of Nepal. A celebration of his residence there would require him to push a peanut up nearly 30,000 feet.  He might not have made it. 

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