The Trump campaign is set to file another lawsuit in Wisconsin Supreme Court today alleging that approximately 220,000 ballots were affected around the abuse of the process of absentee voting in the state. The move comes after Wisconsin officials completed a partial recount, which they said maintained that Joe Biden won the presidential race.

Wisconsin Gov. Terry Evers formally certified Biden’s victory on Monday evening. The Trump campaign said that while the recount did not change the outcome of the votes it did allow them to examine the ballots.

The Wisconsin legal team for the Trump campaign is led by former Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge Jim Troupis, who told Fox News, “Exposing exactly how the election processes were abused in Wisconsin holds enormous value for this election beyond a victory for President Trump, but the fact is, our state’s electoral votes likely won’t change the overall outcome, regardless, we’re demonstrating that the results of this election unequivocally ought to be questioned.”

The Trump campaign paid $3 million for the Wisconsin recount.

The new lawsuit makes several claims of election officials intentionally breaking the law, which all resulted in illegal votes being cast and counted. The claims include officials accepting ballots without the required absentee ballot request on file, municipal clerks illegally altering the ballot envelopes themselves and fixing errors, allowing voters to circumvent voter ID laws, and the City of Madison allowing “unlawful polling locations at over 200 locations” during the city’s Democracy in the Park voting events.

The Trump campaign reportedly had more than 4,000 volunteers working throughout the recount in Wisconsin.

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