The upside of being a trillion dollar company like Amazon is you rule the world when it comes to online retail. You literally have no competition. 

The downside is with over a million employees, some will become disgruntled, and some of those will spill the beans on things that go on within the company. 

An anonymous former employee of Amazon gave ITV in Scotland the scoop about a warehouse in the UK that destroys 130,000 items every single week. 

ITV got a hold of undercover footage inside the warehouse in Scotland and the video showed just what types of items were being destroyed. Everything from high end electronics, including smart TV’s, MacBooks, iPads and headphones, to jewelry and thousands and thousands of facemarks. 

On top of the 130,000 items destroyed, the television network also reported that in that same week 28,000 items were marked as “donate.”

A spokesperson for Amazon told Business Insider that this particular warehouse in Scotland is responsible for all products marked for destruction for all of the UK. 

The total number of products destroyed each year is enormous.  Simply doing the math on the Scotland facility, if the weekly benchmark is 130K items being destroyed, over the course of a calendar year that would be over 6 million products.  

That’s one country.  It’s happening in other countries around the world too. 

The ITV video shows the items marked “destroy” were trucked to recycling centers. 

Here’s another quote the Amazon spokesperson gave to BI.  “We are working towards a goal of zero product disposal and our priority is to resell, donate to charitable organizations or recycle any unsold products. No items are sent to landfill in the UK. As a last resort, we will send items to energy recovery, but we’re working hard to drive the number of times this happens down to zero.”



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